5 Reasons You Should Post a Video About a Product You Like

It is a widely known fact that videos about a product can propel a business that sells the product in terms of creating media attention, conversion rates, mass interest, and revenue. Posting a video about a product you like is a crucial element of marketing. In particular, posting a video about a product you like on YouTube or Pinterest is beneficial especially if the product or the business is new. This article is designed to highlight 5 reasons why you should post a video about a product you like.

Conversion Rates
Posting a video about a product increases the product's website's conversion rates. Conversion rates are very important especially for a new business. If the company that sells the product has a website, posting a video that has a link directing visitors to the website can greatly increase the rate at which visitors to the site make a purchase. According to a recent study, 85% of people are more likely to purchase a product if they have seen a video about the product.
The other reason why you should post a video about a product is that it will increase people's understanding about the product. For instance, an explainer video can be posted on a site like YouTube to offer details about the product. A video also helps to inform potential customers about what the product can do for them. According to research, just one minute of video is equivalent to 1.8million words. The fact that people do not always prefer reading makes video a perfect means of offering potential customers information about the product. Additionally, because video is also accompanied by audio, the chances of the viewers of the video retaining the information in the video about the product are greater. Research has shown that people can remember approximately 68% of what they see and hear on a video, while they can only remember 10% of what they see.
Gain Interest
Posting a video about a product you like also enables you to gain mass interest. Video has a far reaching appeal, and according to a recent survey 70.8% of people who use the internet watch online videos. This means that people prefer and actually love videos, and if the video that you post is funny or inspiring, the entire world will show interest.
Another reason why you should post a video about a product that you like is that it helps to improve a website's SEO. A key-word focused explanation, some relevant tags, and a strategic title is all that is required to harness the benefits of video SEO. The video could also include building links in the description to direct viewers back to your website. According to research, Google universal searches include video in approximately 38% of all searches.
Finally, you should post a video about a product that you like so as to inspire brand evangelists. Video is another type of social media, and it is great for inspiring brand evangelists because people are more willing to share interesting videos that they find online. This goes a long way in attracting mass interest.

Kaylie G. is a writer for the site Ukritic. This site can help you post product reviews online and earn money doing so! Take a look at this site today!


  1. Good post.But, Please share more details.I am curious to know the way about how to create the videos and post into video submission websites.


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