information management-how to be proactive and secure your data

How to be proactive and secure your confidential data
With the masses of documents that a modern business can generates, the last thing that you need is to spend time and effort searching through them to find the one you need. As irritating as this hunt through dusty archives and unorganised digital files can be, it also wastes valuable time which could be spent in a far more efficient manner and could even lead to overlooking aspects of data protection legislation – which has serious consequences, including fines of up to £500,000. So, proper information management not only has to save time (and reduce the risk of high blood pressure) but is vital to the proper running of a company.
The risk of undergoing some form of loss of data and documentation, during the time you are in business, is high enough to be a concern and a catastrophic loss may mean that you never recover.
However, there are information management companies that can help: with customised solutions and planning, risks of overlooking legalities or being ruined by a natural disaster are considerably minimised.
Entering the Modern Day
As foreboding a task as it may seem, bringing an old, well-established company into the modern day is vital to keeping up with competition. Information management is greatly simplified once everything has been brought up to date with modern practices.
Advances in technology can be seen as both a blessing and a curse in information management. Digital files and electronic copies of documentation means greater security and organisation at the click of a button, also the space saved by getting rid of those dust-ridden filing cabinets. However, bringing older documents into the digital age is not as simple as handing files over to whoever has a few moments to spare: often, it requires specialised knowledge which many members or staff may not have.
Information management companies can step in here, offering management services which digitise and organise older companies, gently coaxing them into the modern age.

Information Management Companies
Usually, the services offered by information management companies will include, amongst others, the following:
  • Modernisation: The most popular service offered by these companies is the modernisation of companies which find they clinging to ancient practices. Scanning documents and digitizing media of all sorts brings companies into the modern age and comes with a huge number of advantages. Information management companies provide this service to make the transition simple, smooth and effortless.
  • Management and Storage: Information management companies offer archiving and storage of paper copies of documents as well as storing digital and electronic media. They create management profiles which are created specifically for each individual company, customised to that company’s unique need.
  • Safe Data Destruction: Environmentally friendly and extremely thorough destruction, be it merely shredding of paper files or the complete obliteration of digital media, ensures that businesses are certain of the proper disposal of documents.

Written by:
Nathan Morgan has been a IT professional for 14 years. His work is currently focused on Linux servers. He has encryption experience including the deployment of True Crypt and similar packages, and detailed knowledge of document scanning solutions to transform off-line archives into accessible digital data.


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