4 tips to successfull pinterest for business

There are many businesses out there that want to join Pinterest but are not sure how to use it for their business. Some companies think that Pinterest is only beneficial to those that can share images of their products and services that fit within the predetermined Pinterest categories, but any business can find success on Pinterest if they know how to use it.
Pinterest is about sharing images of things that are interesting or entertaining, but also providing a link for the user to gain more information. It’s a great way for your company to build exposure and to also generate traffic back to your website.
So if you want to start using Pinterest for business, you need to use implement the following tips.
Don’t brag about yourself.
Yes, you ultimately want to generate interest in your brand, but if you’re constantly self-promoting, you’re not going to build a Pinterest following. Make sure that you promote yourself and others in the industry or other items that interest you. Pinterest is a great way to share the love with other businesses, and if you are nicely promoting others, these others will do the same for you.
As a good rule of thumb, create multiple boards for industry-related items, and then have one board designated to your company. Throw a few items on the board every now and then, but make it a priority to fill the other boards first. When you intrigue someone with one of your boards, they will end up on your profile and looking at the other boards you’ve created, which will then lead them to the board about you to help them learn, well, more about you.
Tell a story.
Post pictures from an event and have them lead back to your site with details about who was there and what it was for. People will react to real images more often than stock images, so if you can use photos to tell a story, you’ll generate a great deal of interest in your board.

See what your audience likes.
Pinterest is a great way to get in the minds of your audience. Pay attention to what pins get the most comments, likes or repins. This will help you determine what aspect of your company is the most appreciated and enjoyed by your audience. For example, if you are a clothing store and you created pins for your new fall line, pay attention to what item gets pinned the most. This will give you insight into what item will be the most popular sale or help you determine what type of fashion items to purchase for the next season. If you have multiple boards, take note of which boards are getting the most traffic. You will then know that the content on this board is the most interesting, so you can tailor future pins to give your users what they want.
Be human.
Your audience will respond better if you show your company on a personal level. Instead of focusing on the products and services of the business, make sure you also add a bit of fun to the mix to show that your company is more than just brick and mortar.
When you use Pinterest with these tips in mind, you’ll have a better experience using the new social network for your business. Don’t constantly self-promote, share valuable stories, show the human side of your business and find out more about your audience. If you can do all this, having a successful Pinterest campaign will be a piece of cake.

Sarah Dunbar works for the online marketing team at SEOMap. To learn more about SEOMap and their work click here.


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