what is SEO(search engine optimisation)

Search Optimisation or Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a form of marketing designed in the nineties with the advent of internet marketing with more and more companies  seeking to interact and engage customers online. This form of marketing is key for any company who wants to get noticed online as it optimizes the web sites on the internet and helps in the visibility of the company’s profile on the website. This ensures online customers to seek and find your websites easily.

In today’s scenario with the almost every company online. how do you get your company to be more visible than your competitors.  This form of marketing gives you the cutting edge over the others. For.e.g. if a prospective customer is looking to buy sports equipment in a specific area and on the search portal types Sports equipment in that specific area,  he will usually get a list of maybe 100 or more companies. It is not possible for the customer to go through all the pages and usually we find the customer making his choice with the first two pages of his search results. How then do you get your company to appear in the first two pages is, in a nutshell, what SEO is all about.
The process of SEO basically works on the following principles:
Web Crawling
This is an automated process (an ideal example of it is the most used search portal Google) where the search engines are optimized to define the most relevant web sites when a customer is searching on the internet. These spiders run around relevant websites index them in accordance to their relativity through keywords and tag lines and pop up the information on regular lists with the headers of the site and a brief information on the services or products offered.
The  SEO link building team effectively optimizes the website informative, ease of navigation,  information and ensures that the many intricate components for an effective SEO like content, link building, optimization of keywords, affiliate programs, advertising and of course pure, active and constructive work are properly constructed. There are underhand cheaper methods to achieve these too, but they are never consistent and sustainable and could be disastrous by  getting you black listed where you fail to make it to search results for the next 12 months.
Therefore it is extremely important to choose your link building campaigner who will choose the correct construct for your site making it both effective and efficient. You need to be absolutely sure that the your link building and website constructor knows what he is doing so that he can ensure the correct link building path for a long term and sustainable ranking in the SEO search portals.
Therefore you will need somebody with both the experience and the technological expertise to build an effective link building design on your website to keep you in the top of the rankings of all search portals.Continuous updates and reviews on your website also ensure higher SEO rankings on any search portal.

source : techimania


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