10 Essential Sites for Google Bloggers

Here is our list of the top 10 essential websites every blogger should know and use regularly.

1. Google Webmaster Tools

Google Webmaster Tools is definately the site to target to get your blog kick-started. Webmaster Tools has some gems such as web diagnostic tools, visitor statistics and you can set up a sitemap for the Google searchbots (you can even tell the searchbots to leave certain pages alone). Being registered on Webmaster Tools is invaluable to getting indexed on Google quicker and easier as you can see at a glance if Google has a problem with any of your pages. If the bots don’t like any of your pages, they leave all their error messages here and you can view them all.

2. Google Keyword Tool

Every blog post should be based on keyword research. Google Keyword Tool is a good place to start.

3. Google Apps

If you own a blog, even if it's hosted on Blogger (Blogspot), you should still have a top level domain name. If you already have it, and you bought it through google blogger, you also need to set up your custom email. For example, I bought hosting for this site through Google Blogger, and I used Google Apps to set up my custom email account. Test it out, drop me a line on bloggeradmin@freebloggertuts.com

4. Google Adsense

There's so much written on this subject that I guess even preschoolers know about this CPC advertising program. However, not all Blogspot bloggers use it, and that's a shame. Adsense is even integrated with Blogger through the Dashboard, so if you still aren't using it, you could give it a shot today. 

5. Fonts: dafont.com

This is a very useful site with a bunch of free fonts (both for commercial and personal use).

6. Stock Photos: iStockphoto.com


iStockphoto is probably one of the largest stock photo websites. Shop around, find something for yourself, or submit your own photos.

7. Get Help: stackoverflow.com

8. Bloggerschoiceawards.com

This site offers competitions for blogger sites, it’s a great way to advertise your site especially if your up against a very popular opponent. Even if you get slaughtered everybody who votes for the big site will see the link to your site.

9. Technorati.com

Technorati is another essential site for your blog. It tracks your back links and give you another ranking based on links, though it doesn’t track all of them it can also give you a good ranking on how you stand.

10. Pingomatic.com


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